Wednesday, October 3, 2007

September 17 - 30, 2007

Daily, T-F:
Bible: read & narrate one chapter Aidan: Genesis, Erin: Matthew
Math: practice multiplication flash cards. Also completed Family Math lesson on hundred board patterns
Language: First Language Lessons, 2 per week
handwriting workbook, one page
copywork/dictation daily
Erin: one written narration (her first!)
History: SOTW ch. 3-4, read & narrate, coloring pages
made colonial pottage (no one liked it!)
Science: Maps & Mapping unit, read pp. - , mapped bedrooms on graph paper
Literature: read aloud Wheel on the School ch. 4-6

attended family worship daily, confirmation class 10/23 & 10/30, Divine Service and Sunday school 10/22 & 10/29

daily chores & care of pets

attended homeschool park day 10/21

Aidan attended Cub Scouts 10/21, completed requirements for Bobcat badge at home the next day.

Independent reading:
Aidan: The White Mountains
Cub Scout Wolf Handbook
Erin: The Turret
The Sword in the Tree
The Body

Erin has also asked permission for, planned, made and delivered invitations, and will be baking and decorating for, her own tea party with two friends.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Sunday, September 16, 2007

attended Sunday school, worship, & confirmation class

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Bible: read & narrate Matthew 1 ch.
Math: practiced multiplication x3, x5 using flash cards
Language: FLL #158 articles, dictaction
History: SOTW ch. 2 section 2, read & narrate
Literature: Lamb's Shakespeare Merchant of Venice, narration and discussion
Pollyanna, 3 chapters (finished)
Science: Maps & Mapping project -- mapping your room on graph paper; measurement & scale
chores, caring for animals
outdoor play: bike riding, gardening
family worship
Erin made a tea party this afternoon by herself for the rest of the family. She prepared sliced apples, tomatoes, Turkish delight, watermelon ice, and tea, and served us all. A little math was involved in figuring out how to divide three pieces of Turkish delight among four people, and conversation centered around the Chronicles of Narnia.

Bible: read & narrate Matthew 1 ch.
Math: practiced multiplication x3, x5 using flash cards
Language: FLL #102 capitalization, copywork (Aidan has chosen Ps. 134 for copywork and began with verse 1 today. FLL has The Goops as a copywork assignment and he will be working on that next.)
History: SOTW ch. 2 section 2, read & narrate
Literature: Lamb's Shakespeare Merchant of Venice, narration and discussion
Pollyanna, 3 chapters (finished)
Science: Maps & Mapping project -- mapping your room on graph paper; measurement & scale
chores, caring for animals
outdoor play: bike riding, gardening
family worship
Aidan cares for Abby and provides first aid when she gets a cut or scrape.


Reading w/ Mom: two Animal Baby magazines, three Bible stories.
Practical Life: helped put clothes in the dryer
practiced stirring without noise & staying seated at tea party

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Bible: Matthew 1 ch. read & narrate; discussed implications of the Real Presence, meaning of salt, and going the extra mile
Math: practiced multiplication x3 using bead boards, made flash cards
Language: worked independently in language workbook
handwriting workbook
History: SOTW ch. 2 section 1, read & narrate
coloring page
Literature: Pollyanna, 1 chapter
assisted with church luncheon
chores, caring for animals
outdoor play w/ friends at park
family worship
attended catechesim class on Sunday

Bible: Genesis 1 ch. read & narrate
Math: practiced multiplication x3 using bead boards, made flash cards
Language: handwriting workbook
History: SOTW ch. 2 section 1, read & narrate
coloring page, mapwork
Literature: Pollyanna, 1 chapter
assisted with church luncheon
chores, caring for animals
outdoor play w/ friends at park
family worship
attended catechesim class on Sunday

Friday, September 7, 2007

Friday, September 7, 2007

Math: practiced multiplication x5 using flash cards, discussed division as reverse of multiplication, practiced /5 facts
Spanish: lesson 1
Language: FLL #157 search for adverbs and adjectives
History: SOTW ch. 1 section 2, read & narrate
Literature: Lamb's Shakespeare Merchant of Venice, narration and discussion
Pollyanna, 1 chapter
chores, caring for animals
outdoor play
family worship
homeschool social

Math: practiced multiplication x5 using flash cards, discussed division as reverse of multiplication, practiced /5 facts
Spanish: lesson 4
History: SOTW ch. 1 section 2, read & narrate
Literature: Lamb's Shakespeare Merchant of Venice, narration and discussion
Pollyanna, 1 chapter
chores, caring for animals
outdoor play
family worship
homeschool social

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Math: multiplication x5 using bead board, made flash cards, learned technique for self-study, discussed squares, multiplication as repeated addition
Spanish: lesson 3
Language: FLL #153, narration
Literature: Lamb's Shakespeare Merchant of Venice, narration and discussion
chores, caring for animals
outdoor play
family worship

Math: multiplication x5 using bead board, made flash cards, learned technique for self-study, discussed squares, multiplication as repeated addition
Spanish: lesson 4
Literature: Lamb's Shakespeare Merchant of Venice, narration and discussion
chores, caring for animals
outdoor play
family worship

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Math: multiplication x0, x1, x2, x10
Spanish: lesson 3
Language: FLL #152, dictation
History: coloring page
Science: read & narrate from Maps & Mapping
chores, caring for animals
outdoor play
family worship

Math: multiplication x0, x1, x2, x10
Spanish: lesson 3
Language: FLL #152, dictation
History: coloring page
Science: read & narrate from Maps & Mapping
chores, caring for animals
outdoor play
family worship

shape puzzle, naming, tracing with finger
geometric solids
snapping board
1,2,3 lesson periods 1 & 2 using numerals and rods
read Animal Baby w/ Mom
Cheerio book with Erin

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Bible: read & narrate Matthew ch. 1; discussed genealogies, history relating to the geneaology of Christ, how Matthew knew Christ's genealogy
Language: spelling section J-3
Pimsleur Spanish lesson 3
handwriting workbook
History: SOTW ch. 1 read aloud & narrate
Independent activities:
doctor's appointment
chores, caring for animals
movie day

Bible: read & narrate genesis ch. 1
Language: spelling section J-3
typing practice 30 minutes
handwriting workbook
History: SOTW ch. 1 read aloud & narrate
Independent activities:
chores, caring for animals
teaching Abby to play Little Bear (computer)
Chinese jump rope
played Simon
movie day
made popcorn; created own recipe for Italian flavored popcorn

reading w/ Mom: The Seasons of Arnold's Apple Tree
sewing animals: Abby can now sew by herself (up-down motion, no order)
worked independently with magnadoodle and puzzle while we did spelling
Chinese jump rope
playing little bear with Aidan
helped sweep after lunch
folded and put away washcloths without help
cleared own dinner plate without reminding
dancing with Aidan

Beginning a new year, fall 2007

Goals for this year:
to incorporate more practical work and responsibility into the children's day, as well as service, as per the Moore formula.
to do a small business project, possibly making and selling something for Holly Days
to spend more time on handcrafts and drawing lessons, especially during the winter months
to do weekly nature study and monthly wild days during the fall months
to learn the math facts
to focus on language, spelling, and handwriting daily

August 27-30, 2007

First stop -- Garden of the Gods, a paradise of hiking trails amid huge sandstone rock formations:

Not only does Garden of the Gods have free admission, they also offer a Junior Ranger Program. Most state and national parks offer this program, in which children 6 and up can complete learning activities relating to the park and earn a patch and certificate recognizing their work. The Scientist and the Swordmaster both had a lot of fun learning about geology, native cultures, and wildlife as they earned their patches.

Next stop, the Manitou Cliff Dwellings:

These cliff dwellings are partially reconstructed and a bit touristy, but visitors are allowed to touch and explore inside the dwellings, which made it lots of fun. Plaques all around the site explain what how the different rooms were used. The details of the architecture were fascinating; for example, in the photo, that's a door behind the kids, not a window. And some doors were T-shaped, to allow the elderly a hand grip when climbing through. It took a good bit of parental direction to get the children to slow down, read the plaques, and find out what they were seeing, since the whole place just seemed to invite them to climb and run from one room to the next:

In the museum (once we found it amidst the maze of gift shops) we learned about cradle boards and skulls, how manure is used in the making of the traditional black pottery, how to build an adobe pit house, and the numerous uses for the yucca plant (who knew?)

Pike's Peak
was next; I survived the drive, and we all enjoyed donuts, coffee and hot chocolate at the top. The kids were introduced to the aspen, the ponderosa pine, and we discussed what was the Gold Rush, why trees don't grow above 12,000 feet, why it is colder on a mountaintop, what happens to an empty plastic bottle when you carry it up Pike's Peak and down again, and what happens when brakes get too hot.

On our way to Pike's Peak, we saw a sign for the Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, and set aside an afternoon for it. Florissant is the site of an ancient lake, and is one of the richest fossil beds in North America. Our hike was hurried because of an approaching thunderstorm, but we were all still amazed by the fossilized stumps of ancient giant redwood trees.

On the last day, we visited the Van Briggle pottery, and the Ghost Town Museum. The museum was hokey, but we did get to pan for real gold. I suspect the kids -- at least the older two -- were a little disappointed at how labor intensive and unproductive the process really was, but we did come out with four small specks of gold. This we compared in the gift shop to pyrite, or fool's gold. After taking the children back by the Garden of the Gods nature center to pick up their Junior Ranger badges in the afternoon, I detoured into the Rock Ledge Historic Ranch. With a buy one get one free coupon from the nature center, it cost us a mere $8 admission, and was far and away the best of the west. (Sorry, no pictures -- I didn't have the camera that day!) Rock Ledge is a living history ranch, with interpretive sites ranging from American Indians of the 1600-1700s on through the turn of the century. It is authentic, authentic, authentic, with knowledgeable re-enactors who answered the myriad questions the children threw at them, and the original and meticulously refurnished homes of the various owners and inhabitants of the ranch over the course of three centuries. The carriage house offers an exhibit about Thomas MacLaren, a Scottish architect who came to Colorado Springs -- like Van Briggle of the Van Briggle Pottery -- because of tuberculosis. So, on top of it all, we discussed tuberculosis, sanatoriums, and the open air cure.

All in all there was ample fodder for nature notebooks/discovery journals, plus postcards written to faraway friends (a lesson from First Language Lessons we saved especially for the trip), reading of road maps, and calculating the cost of the journey... a full week of non-stop learning punctuated by moments of utter relaxation.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Individual assignments:
Catechism: review & recite one section
Math: two workbook pages
Language: lessons 147 & 148 w/ Mom

Bible: 365 Bible Stories read & narrate one story
Catechism: review & recite one section
Math: one workbook page

Lessons w/ Mom:
History: SOTW ch. 41 section 2: Jacques Cartier
mapwork (catch-up)

Independent activities:
caring for animals
worked on 4-H displays for county fair
made a Micmac wigwam
outdoor play

cooked breakfast
caring for animals
made a Micmac wigwam
Fritz & Chesster
game of chess w/ mom using chess notation
outdoor play

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Independent activities:
caring for animals
work on 4-H displays for fair next week
assisted with shopping: comparison shopping

caring for animals
The Secret of Mummmies (DK)
creating and using an abacus following the instructions in
assisted with shopping: comparison shopping

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Tuesday, July 30, 2007

The children spent most of the weekend playing chess (and using newly-learned chess notation to write down their games -- they are asking for a double columned notebook especially for this purpose) and creating and playing with a puppet stage and stick puppets. This would be a good activity to encourage and explore, making different kinds of puppets, a more permanent stage, scriptwriting, and even videoing their puppet plays.

Individual assignments:
Bible: Genesis read & narrate 1 chapter
(completed Genesis today)
Catechism: review & recite one section
Math: one workbook page
Language: lessons 147 & 148 w/ Mom
History: coloring page
Bible: 365 Bible Stories read & narrate one story
Catechism: review & recite one section
Math: one workbook page
History: coloring page

Lessons w/ Mom:
Literature: read & narrate Pollyanna
History: SOTW ch. 41 section 1: John Cabot

Independent activities:
caring for animals
worked on 4-H display for county fair
movie day: LOTR2
caring for animals
reading: Favorite Medieval Tales
Book of the Dun Cow

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Friday, July 27, 2007

Individual assignments:

Bible: Genesis read & narrate 1 chapter
Catechism: review & recite one section
Math: one workbook page
Language: lessons 144 &145 w/ Mom
work on "The Year" book project

Bible: 365 Bible Stories read & narrate one story
Catechism: review & recite one section
Math: one workbook page
Language: handwriting book 15 minutes

Independent activities:
caring for animals
imaginative play: creating a Party for her siblings using Childcraft games
Fritz & Chesster
played chess w/ her brother
creating a backdrop for a puppet stage
planning her 4-H fair display
reading: William Shakespeare & the Globe by Aliki
DK Shakespeare & the Globe
The Magician's Nephew

$$ jobs
caring for animals
imaginative play: party planning & puppet stage
Fritz & Chesster
played chess w/his sister
reading: The Book of the Dun Cow

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

June - July 2007

We are have transitioned to a more relaxed "finishing up" mode these past two months. Goals for the summer have been:

Both children:
  • to complete math workbooks
  • to complete Story of the World vol. 2
  • to continue daily catechism review
  • to continue daily copywork or handwriting practice
  • to read aloud and narrate Pollyanna
Additionally, for Erin:
  • to progress as far as possible through the second grade First Language Lessons
  • to complete reading and narration of the book of Genesis (I am having her read this aloud since she was having difficulty with unfamiliar names of places and people.)
And for Aidan:
  • to continue reading and narrating daily from 365 Bible Stories
The children have worked on each of these daily on lesson days. Each child has typed and printed his own daily routines to make a Flylady-inspired control journal to help them manage their daily routines, schoolwork, and other responsibilities. We have done a handwork project, making dolls from My First Doll Book. We have captured black swallowtail caterpillars from our garden, learned how to care for them, made a butterfly house, observed the butterfly life cycle, and recorded it in our nature notebooks. We have also made two fishing trips and a field trip to a vet's office as part of Erin's 4-H projects.

Erin's independent reading:

Li Lun, Lad of Courage
The Bears on Hemlock Mountain
The Wizard of Oz
Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass
The Book of the Dun Cow
Childcraft Guide for Parents (seriously. she read the whole thing.)
James Herriot's Stories for Children
Big Backyard and Ranger Rick magazines

Aidan's independent reading:

Li Lun, Lad of Courage
The Bears on Hemlock Mountain
The Wizard of Oz
Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass
Big Backyard and Ranger Rick magazines
The Dangerous Book for Boys
*Andrew Lang's King Arthur
*The Sword in the Tree
*Favorite Medieval Tales
DK Shakespeare and the Globe
Aliki's William Shakespeare and the Globe
*Mr. Popper's Penguins

Generally as they complete a book, I ask them to tell me about it and we we discuss it informally. A * indicates a re-reading of something previously read.

Erin's independent activities:
creating a map of South America
completing her 4-H projects for the year (fishing & veterinary science) including reading, preparing a project talk, writing her 4-h story, completing her record book, and preparing exhibits for the fair
attending 4-H camp
learning new string figures and locating their countries of origin on the globe
garden square: marigolds and zucchini
playing Fritz & Chesster 2 (chess tutor). She is becoming very aware of and uses strategy in her chess playing now.
caring for guinea pigs
caring for neighbors' gardens and dogs while away
swimming, biking
imaginative play
watercolor painting (including illustrating Aidan's stories)
acolyte at church, attending Sunday school, family worship
attended VBS
participated in 4th of July bike parade and won 3rd place

Aidan's independent activities:

practicing the recorder (He hopes to perform two pieces at Christmastime in church.)
caring for guinea pigs
playing with computer map puzzles while listening to Bible mp3
playing Fritz & Chesster & Outnumbered (math game) He is becoming very adept at mental math, even beginning to handle large number operations mentally.
writing stories
a little woodworking with Dad
watercolor painting
garden square: corn and nasturtiums
imaginative play
swimming, biking
attending Sunday school, family worship
attended VBS
participated in 4th of July bike parade and won 3rd place

Friday, May 25, 2007

Hymn: Christ Be My Leader
Literature: poetry
narrate from A Door in the Wall
Language: language lesson w/ Erin
copywork w/Aidan
Math: Mathmagic -- The Secret Word

Individual assignments:

Bible: Genesis read & narrate 1 chapter
Theology: review & recite catechism
History: Fine Print read & narrate 1 chapter
Literature: Lassie read & narrate 1 chapter
Science: read & narrate

Bible: 365 Bible Stories read & narrate
Theology: review & recite catechism
History: Fine Print read & narrate 1 chapter
Literature: Olga da Polga read & narrate 1 chapter
Science: read & narrate

Thursday, May 24, 2007

May 24, 2006

Lessons w/ mom:
Thank you notes for Dr. Sarchet
Hymn: Christ Be My Leader
Literature: poetry
narrate from A Door in the Wall
Language: language lesson w/ Erin
Math: Mathmagic -- The Secret Word

Individual assignments:

Bible: Genesis read & narrate 1 chapter
Theology: review & recite catechism
History: SOTW pp. 326-330 Cortes & Montezuma narrate for blog
Literature: Lassie read & narrate 1 chapter
Science: read & narrate

Bible: 365 Bible Stories read & narrate
Theology: review & recite catechism
History: SOTW pp. 326-330 Cortes & Montezuma
Literature: Olga da Polga read & narrate 1 chapter
Science: read & narrate

May 23, 2007

Science: Family tour of vet's office for Erin's 4-H project. The veterinarian was very prepared for our visit, and not only gave us a tour of his facilities, but showed the children how various disinfectants are used, types of restraints used for various animals, how an IV works, how he takes temperature and pulse and what that indicates, and how the instruments are prepped for the surgery. He also showed them a book of illustrations which compared healthy organs with diseased ones and took a long time answering their questions about that, and also spent some time discussing the life cycle of fleas in response to their questions about a model in the examination room.

Individual work:
Literature: read & narrate A Door in the Wall ch. 6

Independent activities:

free reading: Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle, The Sword in the Tree
attended midweek worship
daily chores
animal care -- cage cleaning
outdoor play: stomp rockets
volunteered to clean the kitchen

computer: Learn to Play Chess
free reading: The Sword in the Tree
attended midweek worship
daily chores
outdoor play: stomp rockets
volunteered to clean the kitchen

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

May 23, 2007

Math: three problems dynamic addition using stamps or blocks
Theology: review and recite one catechism section
Bible: Genesis read & narrate
History: SOTW read & narrate for blog
coloring page
Typing practice: 15 minutes

Math: four problems subtraction w/base ten blocks
Theology: review and recite one catechism section
Bible: Genesis read & narrate
History: SOTW read & narrate for blog
coloring page
Typing practice: 15 minutes

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Lessons w/ Mom:
Language: dictation

Individual assignments:

Theology: Catechism: review and recite one section
Bible: Genesis read & narrate one chapter
Science: read and narrate
History: Fine Print read & narrate one chapter
Typing practice: 15 minutes
Literature: Lassie Come Home

Theology: Catechism: review and recite one section
Bible: 365 Bible Stories read & narrate
Science: read and narrate
History: Fine Print read & narrate one chapter
Typing practice: 15 minutes
Math: math workbook 1 page
Literature: Olga da Polga

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Friday, May18, 2007

History: blog narration
Hymn: 861 Christ Be My Leader
Language: copywork, 10 minutes, perfect execution
Erin: Language Lesson #108

Individual assignments:

read SOTW ch. 33
Theology: review catechism section and recite for mom
Bible: Genesis read & narrate one chapter
Science: World & Space read & narrate one section
History: read aloud from Fine Print: A Story About Johann Gutenberg
Typing practice: 15 minutes

History: SOTW ch. 33 section
Theology: review catechism section and recite for mom
Bible: 365 Bible Stories read & narrate
Science: World & Space read & narrate one section
History: read aloud from Fine Print: A Story About Johann Gutenberg
Typing practice: 15 minutes
Math: 4 operations work of choice, 10 minutes

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Wednesday, May 15, 2007

History: SOTW ch. 33
Hymn: 861 Christ Be My Leader
Language: copywork, 10 minutes, perfect execution
Erin: Language Lesson #108

Individual assignments:

read SOTW ch. 32 The Incas and narrate for blog
Theology: review catechism section and recite for mom
Bible: Genesis read & narrate one chapter
Science: World & Space read & narrate one section
History: read aloud from Fine Print: A Story About Johann Gutenberg
Typing practice: 15 minutes

Theology: review catechism section and recite for mom
Bible: 365 Bible Stories read & narrate
Science: World & Space read & narrate one section
History: read aloud from Fine Print: A Story About Johann Gutenberg
Typing practice: 15 minutes
Math: 4 operations work of choice, 10 minutes

Monday, May 14, 2007

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Lessons w/ Mom:

History: SOTW ch. 33
coloring page
Literature: narrate from The Door in the Wall ch. 5
Language: copywork, 10 minutes, perfect execution
Science: listen to Learning the Birds

Individual assignments:
Theology: review catechism section and recite for mom
Bible: Genesis read & narrate one chapter
Science: World & Space read & narrate one section
History: read aloud from Fine Print: A Story About Johann Gutenberg
Typing practice: 15 minutes
Math: 4 operations work of choice, 10 minutes

Theology: review catechism section and recite for mom
Bible: 365 Bible Stories read & narrate
Science: World & Space read & narrate one section
History: read aloud from Fine Print: A Story About Johann Gutenberg
Typing practice: 15 minutes
Math: 4 operations work of choice, 10 minutes

Independent activities:

daily chores

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Friday, May 11, 2007

Wild Day at Cimarron National Grasslands
nature study -- entries in nature notebooks
attended homeschool "Friends & Family Night"

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Individual assignments:

Language: studied dictation
Theology: review catechism section and recite for mom
Bible: Genesis read & narrate one chapter
Science: World & Space read & narrate one section
History: read aloud from Fine Print: A Story About Johann Gutenberg

Language: studied dictation
Theology: review catechism section and recite for mom
Bible: 365 Bible Stories read & narrate
Science: World & Space read & narrate one section
History: read aloud from Fine Print: A Story About Johann Gutenberg

Independent activities:

daily chores
movie day: The Two Towers
imaginative play: "sunday school", "school"

daily chores
movie day: The Two Towers
imaginative play: "sunday school", "school"

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Lessons w/ Mom:

History: SOTW ch. 32 the Aztecs
blog narrations
Math: choice of combination cards game using strip boards
Literature: narrate The Door in the Wall ch. 3
Language: copywork 10 minutes, perfect execution
Erin: Language Lesson #106-107 & enrichment activity

Individual assignments:

Theology: review catechism section and recite for mom
Bible: Genesis ch. read & narrate
Science: World & Space read & narrate one section
Typing practice: 15 minutes

Theology: review catechism section and recite for mom
Bible: 365 Bible Stories read & narrate
Science: World & Space read & narrate one section
Typing practice: 15 minutes

Independent activities:

attended midweek worship and acolyted
daily chores
outdoor play
watercolor painting
claywork -- made a hobbit house
reading and work on 4-H project

daily chores
volunteered to help with bathroom cleaning
outdoor play
attended midweek worship
free reading: Follow My Leader, Discovery of the Americas, Usborne Book of World History

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Lessons w/ Mom:

History: SOTW ch. 32 The Mayans
coloring page
blog narrations
individual reading of Discovery of the Americas
Math: addition/subtraction combination cards game using strip boards
Literature: The Door in the Wall ch. 2
Language: copywork 10 minutes, perfect execution
Theology: catechism class with Dad -- 1.5 hours

Independent activities:

daily chores
imaginative play: firefighters
free reading: Mrs. Piggle Wiggle
outdoor play

daily chores
imaginative play: firefighters
free reading: Discovery of the Americas
outdoor play

Monday, May 7, 2006

Family trip to Garden City for shopping and lunch.
Outdoor play
free reading: Mrs. Piggle Wiggle, Mathmania
listened to Lord of the Rings

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Recent Art Creations

by Erin, age 7

by Aidan, age 6

Monday, April 30, 2007

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Independent activities:

attended morning worship
Erin: 4-H meeting
attended altar guild/acolyte workshop
free reading: Mrs. Piggle Wiggle, Mathmania
listened to Lord of the Rings

Friday, May 4, 2007

Lessons w/ Mom:

History: mapwork
narrate from Discovery of the Americas
Literature: poetry from Favorite Poems
Narrate from The Door in the Wall ch. 2
Language: Erin: language lesson #105, 106
Math: Mathemagic: The Secret Word
Art/Science: add dry brush details to moon phase painting, label phases

Individual assignments:

Theology: review catechism section
Bible: Genesis ch. 23-24 read & narrate
Science: World & Space pp. read & narrate
Typing practice: 15 minutes

Theology: review catechism section
Bible: 365 Bible Stories read & narrate
Science: World & Space pp. read & narrate
Typing practice: 15 minutes

Mother's notes:

Taking a break from formal spelling lessons to try out copywork as a combined vehicle for spelling and handwriting, per CM. I must plan ahead well and be prepared with passages for copying. Erin will continue with Getty Dubay at a slow pace, in order to move ahead into italic cursive. I am striving to really focus on handwriting...they both write legibly enough, but we need to work towards neat, beautiful printing that is even and regular. E&A are a bit tired of dynamic addition/subtraction, so we'll take a break from that also and focus on multiplication/division. We need more science, more nature study, more drawing.

Thursday May 3, 2007

Lessons w/ Mom:

Math: demonstration of simple division & multiplication using bead boards (requested by children)
History: narrate from Discovery of the Americas
Literature: narrate from The Door in the Wall ch. 1
Language: spelling section I-4 dictation
Art/Science: demonstrate wet brush details on moon phase painting
Theology: catechism class w/ Dad -- 1 hour
individual watercolor work while listening to read alouds

Independent activities:

daily chores
imaginative play: birthday party for stuffed animals

daily chores
imaginative play: birthday party for stuffed animals

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Lessons w/ Mom:

History: SOTW ch. 31 Vespucci and Magellan
blog narrations
globe review
Literature: poetry from Favorite Poems
Narrate from The Big Wave
Language: spelling section I-4 dictation
Erin: Language lesson #105
Art/Science: demonstrate outline sketch and wash for moon phase painting
back yard nature study & nature notebooking

Individual assignments:

Theology: review catechism section
Bible: Genesis ch. 25-26 read & narrate
Science: World & Space pp. read & narrate
Typing practice: 15 minutes

Theology: review catechism section
Bible: 365 Bible Stories read & narrate
Science: World & Space pp. read & narrate
Typing practice: 15 minutes

Independent activities:

daily chores
attended midweek worship & acolyted
imaginative play: baby dolls/house, school
free reading: Mrs. Piggle Wiggle
watercolor painting

daily chores
animal care -- cage cleaning
attended midweek worship
imaginative play: baby dolls/house w/ sisters
free reading: 365 Bible Stories, Mrs. Piggle Wiggle
watercolor painting

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Lessons w/ Mom:

weather report
astronomy picture of the day
History: SOTW ch. 31 Christopher Columbus
coloring page
blog narrations
narrate from Discovery of the Americas
Literature: poetry from Favorite Poems
Narrate from The Big Wave
Language: handwriting practice 10 minutes, perfect execution

Individual assignments:

Theology: review catechism section
Bible: Genesis ch. 23-24 read & narrate
Science: World & Space pp. read & narrate
Typing practice: 15 minutes

Theology: review catechism section
Bible: 365 Bible Stories read & narrate
Science: World & Space pp. read & narrate
Typing practice: 15 minutes

Monday, April 30, 2007

Independent activities:

daily chores
$$ jobs
outdoor play
played at park -- 2 hours

daily chores
$$ jobs
outdoor play
free reading: Big Backyard, Ranger Rick, Charlotte's Web
played at park -- 2 hours

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Friday, April 26, 2007

Lessons w/ Mom:

weather report
astronomy picture of the day
History: narrate from Discovery of the Americas
Literature: narrate from The Big Wave
poetry from Favorite Poems
Science: narrate from burgess Bird Book
Wild Day nature study outing to National Grasslands -- nature notebooking
Art/Science: demonstrate water color techniques for moon phase painting

Individual assignments:

Theology: catechism review
Bible: Genesis 22 read & narrate
Typing practice: 15 minutes

Theology: catechism review
Bible: 365 Bible Stories read & narrate
Typing practice: 15 minutes

Independent activities:


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Lessons w/ Mom:

weather report
astronomy picture of the day
Star Gazer program
History: mapwork
narrate from Discovery of the Americas
Literature: narrate from The Big Wave
poetry from Favorite Poems
Language: handwriting practice, 10 minutes, perfect execution
Erin: language lesson # 105
Math: dynamic addition and subtraction using stamp game

Individual assignments:


Science: Earth read & narrate
Typing practice: 15 minutes

Theology: catechism review
Bible: 365 Bible Stories read & narrate
Science: World and Space read & narrate
Typing practice: 15 minutes

Independent activties:

daily chores
imaginative play: airplane ride

daily chores
imaginative play: airplane ride
free reading: Canterbury Tales

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Lessons w/ Mom:

History: SOTW ch.
blog narrations
Literature: narrate from The Big Wave pp. 15-20
Language: spelling lesson I-4
handwriting practice, 10 minutes, perfect execution

Independent activities:

daily chores
imaginative play: dress-up, dolls/house, Lord of the Rings, battle game with Aidan using LiteBrite
watercolor painting
attended midweek worship; acolyted
watched Raffi concert video

daily chores
$$ jobs
care of animals: cage cleaning
imaginative play: Lord of the Rings
free reading: Pompeii:Buried Alive!
watched Raffi concert video
imaginative play: dolls/house, battle game with LiteBrite pieces
attended midweek worship
watercolor painting

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Lessons w/ Mom:

Weather report
Astronomy picture of the day
History: SOTW ch. 30 India Under the Moghuls, pp. 293-295
blog narration
coloring page
Literature: The Big Wave, pp. 3-15 & narrate
Language: handwriting practice, 10 minutes, perfect execution
Erin: language lesson #104

Individual assignments:

Theology: catechism review
Bible: Genesis ch. 21 read & narrate
Science: Earth read & narrate
Typing practice: 15 minutes

Theology: catechism review
Bible: 365 Bible Stories read & narrate
Typing practice: 15 minutes

Independent activities:

daily chores
outdoor play: swinging
imaginative play
watercolor painting
volunteered to help with dinner
bike ride to store

daily chores
outdoor play: swinging
imaginative play
free reading: The Jungle Book
watercolor painting
bike ride to store

Monday, April 23, 2007

Individual activities:

bike ride w/ Mom to Dr. office. Communicated with Dr. about own illness & treatment, took own prescription to pharmacy

hardware store with Dad to rent a grass seeder. Helped load and unload purchases from van. Discussed process of seeding and fertilizing the lawn.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Individual activities:
daily chores
attended Sunday school & worship
friends over to play 1:00-5:00
outdoor play
imaginative play
free reading
Aidan: computer -- Outnumbered, listened to Bible
Erin: visited Shaylee's 4-H pigs

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Individual assignments:

Theology: review catechism
Bible: Genesis ch. 19-20 read & narrate
Typing practice: 15 minutes
Science: read World & Space pg. 230-233 and narrate

Theology: review catechism
Bible: 365 Bible Stories read & narrate
Literature: Little House in the Big Woods read & narrate one chapter
Typing practice: 15 minutes
Science: read World & Space pg. 220-224 and narrate

Lessons w/ Mom:
History: mapwork
Language: handwriting practice: 10 minutes, perfect execution
Erin: Language lesson #102, 103
Math: dynamic addition and subtraction with base ten blocks
Science: Burgess Bird Book read aloud & narrate, identify birds in guidebook
catechism class w/Dad

Independent activities:

daily chores
outdoor play -- bat-ball
free reading: Mathemagic
geometric solids game w/ Mom

daily chores
outdoor play -- bat-ball
free reading: Ferdinand (to Abby)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Individual assignments:

Theology: review catechism
Bible: Genesis ch. 17-18 read & narrate
Typing practice: 15 minutes
Science: read World & Space pg. 220- and narrate

Theology: review catechism
Bible: 365 Bible Stories read & narrate
Literature: Little House in the Big Woods read & narrate one chapter
Typing practice: 15 minutes
Science: read World & Space pg. 220- and narrate

Lessons w/ Mom:
Language: spelling lesson I-3 -- past/present/future tense
Erin: re-do covers for star book and season book
Aidan: add constellations Leo and Virgo to star books
backyard nature study

Independent activities:

daily chores
$$ jobs
imaginative play
attended midweek worship; acolyted

daily chores
$$ jobs
care of animals -- cage cleaning
imaginative play
attended midweek worship

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Friday, April 20, 2007

Individual assignments:

Theology: review catechism
Bible: Genesis ch. 21-22 read & narrate
Typing practice: 15 minutes
Science: read World & Space pg. 234-235 and narrate
do experiment on pg. 233

Theology: review catechism
Bible: 365 Bible Stories read & narrate
Literature: Little House in the Big Woods read & narrate one chapter
Typing practice: 15 minutes
Science: read World & Space pg. 220- and narrate

Lessons w/ Mom:
Language: handwriting practice: 10 minutes, perfect execution
oral spelling bee
Math: Mathemagic
History: mapwork

Independent activities:

daily chores

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Individual assignments:

Theology: review catechism
Bible: Genesis ch. 15-16 read & narrate
Literature: By the Shores of Silver Lake read & narrate one chapter
Typing practice: 15 minutes
History: coloring page
read Usborne pg. 122-123
Science: read World & Space pg. 217 -219

Theology: review catechism
Bible: 365 Bible Stories read & narrate
Literature: Little House in the Big Woods read & narrate one chapter
Typing practice: 15 minutes
History: read Usborne pg. 122-123
Science: read World & Space pg. 217 -219 and narrate

Lessons w/ Mom:
History: SOTW ch. 29 African Kingdoms
blog narrations

Independent activities:

daily chores
$$ jobs
computer: Basic Spelling Tricks, Stellarium, Chess
play with guinea pigs
imaginative play
free reading: Chronicles of Narnia

daily chores
$$ jobs
computer: listened to Exodus, played Outnumbered, Chess, Ten Thumbs typing
imaginative play
free reading: 365 Bible Stories, Kingfisher Children's Bible

Monday, April 16, 2007

Independent activities:

family trip to Hugoton: shopping
daily chores
$$ job
outdoor play
imaginative play
free reading: The Human Skeleton
listened to Lord of the Rings audiobook
long-term planning of 4-H projects -- goal and deadline setting

family trip to Hugoton: shopping
daily chores
$$ job
outdoor play
imaginative play
free reading: Chronicles of Narnia, King Arthur
listened to Lord of the Rings audiobook

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Independent activities:

attended Sunday school
attended worship
outdoor play
daily chores
4-H meeting
worked on 4-H record book
listened to Lord of the Rings
free reading: The Human Skeleton

Monday, April 9, 2007

Friday, April 13, 2007

Individual assignments:

Theology: review catechism
Bible: read Genesis ch. 12-14 and narrate
Literature: On the Shores of Silver Lake -- read & narrate
Typing practice: 15 minutes

Theology: review catechism
365 Bible Stories: read & narrate
Literature: Little house in the Big Woods -- read & narrate
Typing practice: 15 minutes

lessons w/ mom:

Language: handwriting practice
Spelling: section I-3 create sentences
Math: Mathemagic problem -- Mobius strip
Science: Burgess Bird Book
Picture study: Manet view & narrate Degas' The Ballet Lesson

Individual activities:

daily chores
helped with grocery shopping
imaginative play
play with guinea pigs
listened to Lord of the Rings

daily chores
imaginative play
helped with grocery shopping
play with guinea pigs
drawing: map of Middle Earth
free reading: SOTW vol.1
listened to Lord of the Rings

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Individual assignments:

Greek: 1 page
Typing practice: 15 minutes

Theology: review catechism
365 Bible Stories: read & narrate
Greek: 1 page
Typing practice: 15 minutes

lessons w/ mom:

weather report
astronomy picture of the day
History: mapwork
Viewed first 10 minutes of Joan of Arc movie for depiction of "Maid of Lorraine" legend, explanation of conflict between France and England, and portrayal of medieval life. Discussed that depiction of Joan's father in this movie is not historical.
Erin: Language lesson #101: review of nouns
Spelling: section I-3
Math: dynamic addition and subtraction using Base 10 Blocks

Individual activities:

daily chores
free reading: Narnia cookbook, Ranger Rick magazine
movie day: The Princess Bride

daily chores
free reading: Chronicles of Narnia, SOTW vol. 1, Wild West Alphabet Book
movie day: The Princess Bride

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Individual activities:
free reading: SOTW vol. 1 & 2
midweek worship
Family outing to Liberal
outdoor play
daily chores

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Individual assignments:

Theology: review catechism
Bible: read Genesis ch. 10-11 and narrate
Literature: On the Shores of Silver Lake -- read & narrate
Greek: 1 page
History: coloring page
Typing practice: 15 minutes

Theology: review catechism
365 Bible Stories: read & narrate
Literature: Little house in the Big Woods -- read & narrate
Greek: 1 page
History: coloring page
Typing practice: 15 minutes

lessons w/ mom:

weather report: read at Yahoo weather about why tornadoes form in the US Midwest, tornado myths, tornado safety, and viewed a video about lightening safety
astronomy picture of the day
History: SOTW ch. 28 Spain & Portugal -- blog narrations

Individual activities:

daily chores
outdoor play

daily chores
Ten Thumbs typing practice -- 30 minutes
outdoor play

Monday, April 9, 2007

Individual activities:

daily chores
play with guinea pigs
imaginative play
Ten Thumbs typing tutor practice
playing store using play money & money cards
playing candy store w/ Abby
free reading: Volcanoes, Rainbow Bridge, Bible, 365 Bible Stories, Berenstein Bears, Nature Smart
outdoor play: swinging
drawing: volcano
listening to Tchaikovsky's Peter & the Wolf
family prayers

daily chores
imaginative play
playing store using play money & money cards
free reading: Volcanoes, Dinosaurs, Psalms
drawing: volcano, dinosaurs
doll play
crafts: braiding yarn
outdoor play: swinging
playing candy store w/ Abby
listening to Tchaikovsky's Peter & the Wolf
family prayers

Easter Sunday, 2007

Attended Easter worship, breakfast, & Easter egg hunt
Listened to Handel's Messiah & discussed

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Erin: attended Easter vigil & acolyted

Monday, April 2, 2007

Friday, April 6, 2007

Made hot cross buns for Good Friday
Listened to passion narrative from Matthew's gospel
imaginative play
extra typing practice
attended Good Friday worship
free reading

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Individual assignments:

Erin: review catechism
chapter book -- On the Shores of Silver Lake
read & narrate one chapter
Bible: read Genesis ch. 9-10
Greek: 1 pg.
Typing practice: 15 minutes

Aidan: review catechism
chapter book -- Little House in the Big Woods
read & narrate one chapter
365 Bible stories: read 1 story and narrate
Greek: 1 pg.
Typing practice: 15 minutes

lessons w/ mom:

astronomy picture of the day
weather forecast
Math: dynamic addition & subtraction w/ stamp game

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Individual assignments:

Theology: review catechism
read & narrate Genesis ch. 7-8
Greek: 1 pg.
Typing practice: 15 minutes

Theology: review catechism
365 Bible stories: read one story and narrate
Greek: 1 pg.
Typing practice: 15 minutes

lessons w/ mom:

astronomy picture of the day
weather forecast
Math: manipulative practice with counting money and making change
Language: language lesson #97- 99: review four types of sentences, cumulative poetry review
spelling section I-2: create sentences
Science: Constellations -- learn Leo and add to star books

Independent activities:
daily chores
imaginative play
helped clean bathtubs (volunteered)
work with bubble science kit
care of animals: cage cleaning
free reading: Learn to Tie Your Shoe
attended midweek worship
outdoor play
attended Maundy Thursday service

daily chores
imaginative play
free reading: Secrets of the Mummies (DK reader 4)
reading to Abby
attended midweek worship
outdoor play
helped cook dinner (volunteered)
attended Maundy Thursday service

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Individual assignments:

Erin: review catechism
chapter book -- On the Shores of Silver Lake
read & narrate one chapter
Bible: read & narrate Genesis ch. 6
Greek: 1 pg.
history coloring page

Aidan: review catechism
chapter book -- Little House in the Big Woods
read & narrate one chapter
365 Bible Stories: read & narrate one story
Greek: 1 pg.
history coloring page

lessons w/ mom:

poem of the day
astronomy picture of the day
weather forecast
History: SOTW ch. Wars of the Roses
handwriting practice
blog history narrations

Monday, April 2, 2007

Independent activities:
Erin: Free reading -- Constellations
watch dad plant roses
imaginative play outdoors
tree climbing
reading for 4-H vet science project
$$ job -- sweeping
drawing w/ markers -- tree w/butterflies and birds
jumping rope

Aidan: Free reading -- Mr. Popper's Penguins
watch dad plant roses
imaginative play outdoors
tree climbing, swinging
$$ job -- sorting clean laundry
Cub Scout meeting

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Year Three

NT Catechesis w/Dad
Memory work
read Exodus & Matthew
The Story of Icons
Icon coloring book set

Math & Logic:
Developmental Math workbooks
Montessori math lessons: multiplication, division, fractions, decimals
Memorization of multiplication and division facts
(on the link, scroll down to "The First Year Student and Math Facts")
Mind Benders A1
FamilyMath & Let's Play Math activities
Mathematicians are People Too Vol. 1
Mathmagic (Childcraft)
Math for Smarty Pants
On Beyond a Million: An Amazing Math Journey
Fractals, Googols, and Other Mathematical Tales
Anno's Magic Multiplying Jar
The Story of Clocks and Calendars: Marking a Millenium

copywork: copying own narrations which mom writes out
Getty Dubay handwriting book C or D
English for the Thoughtful Child
Greek: study of John
Typing with Ten Thumbs Typing Tutor
memory work: selected poems & psalms, the Gettysburg Address, the Preamble to the Constitution, Chief Joseph's speech

History: Early Modern
Spine: Story of the World vol. 3 & activity book
Usborne Book of World History
Squanto's Journey
Pilgrims First Thanksgiving
Buttons for General Washington
Louis Braille, the Boy Who Invented Books for the Blind
America's Paul Revere
Naya Nuki: Shoshone Girl Who Ran
Seaman: The Dog Who Travelled with Lewis and Clark
Tree in the Trail
Great Speeches of Native Americans
Trail of Tears
Benjamin West and His Cat Grimalkin
Ben and Me
American Adventures: True Stories from America's Past
Phoebe the Spy
The Double Life of Pocahontas
Betsy Maestro American History series
Shh! We're Writing the Constitution!
The Birchbark House
How We Crossed the West: The Adventures of Lewis and Clark

Montessori puzzle maps
Montessori pin maps
State by State

Science: Chemistry & nature study
nature notebooking
4-H projects
Handbook of Nature Study
Burgess Bird Book
Learning the Birds podcast
A Drop of Water
Fizz, Bubble and Flash: Element Explorations & Atom Adventures
The Boy Who Drew Birds: A Story of John James Audubon

Favorite Poems Old and New
Lamb's Tales From Shakespeare, 6 stories
A Treasury of North American Folktales
Kildee House
The Wheel on the School
The Sign of the Beaver
Caddie Woodlawn
The Prince and the Pauper
The Incredible Journey
Little Lord Fauntleroy
The Courage of Sarah Noble
From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler

Art, Music, & Handwork:
Suzuki violin
Recorder using Recorder Fun!
My First Patchwork Book
My First Machine Sewing Book
origami projects from Easy Origami
nature crafts from Nature Smart
Native American crafts: moccasins, beadwork, pine needle baskets
Hymns: 1 per month
continue observation drawing using Drawing for Children
Watercolor for the Artistically Undiscovered
picture study of 6 artists
music appreciation 6 composers

Most of the books are on Amazon in a listmania list here.

Year Four


Favorite Poems Old and New
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH
The Rescuers
My Side of the Mountain
The Indian in the Cupboard
The Prince and the Pauper
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
The Phantom Tollbooth
Five Little Peppers and How They Grew
Around the World in Eighty Days
Captains Courageous
Swiss Family Robinson
The Cricket on the Hearth


Story of the World vol. 4
Usborne Book of World History
Pink and Say
Thomas Edison: The Great American Inventor
Ordinary Genius: Albert Einstein
Mustang: Wild Spirit of the West
Yung Fu of the Upper Yangtze
Twenty and Ten
Escape from Warsaw
The Boy in the Alamo
Amazing Impossible Erie Canal
Freedom Train: Harriet Tubman
Just a Few Words Mr. Lincoln
Seaman: The Dog Who Explored the West with Lewis and Clark
I Was There: The Titanic

How Things Work by Childcraft
Reinventing the Wheel
Build a Better Mousetrap
How to Think Like a Scientist: Answering Questions by the Scientific Method
Birds: Nature's Magnificent Flying Machines
George Washington Carver: Man's Slave Becomes God's Scientist

Mathematicians Are People Too vol. 2
The Book of Think: How to Solve a Problem Twice Your Size
Fractals, Googols, and Other Mathematical Tales
Mind Benders A2
Developmental Math workbooks

WISE Guide to Spelling
Getty-Dubay Handwriting Book E
Hudson Teach Yourself NT Greek

Art Fraud Detective
Art For Kids: Drawing: The Only Drawing Book you'll Ever Need to Be the Artist You've Always Wanted to Be
Mark Kistler's Draw Squad
Great Artists
The Quilting Bee
My First Machine Sewing Book
My First Patchwork Book
My First Quilt Book

Year Five


Augustus Caesar's World
In Search of a Homeland: the Aeneid by Penelope Lively
The Wanderings of Odysseus by Rosemary Sutcliff
Black Ships Before Troy by Rosemary Sutcliff
The Kingfisher History Encyclopeadia
My Backyard History Book by Linda Allison
The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare

Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH
The Toothpaste Millionaire
My Friend Flicka
Anne of Green Gables
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson
Robinson Crusoe by Daniel deFoe
The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens
Shakespeare plays:

Getty-Dubay Handwriting book G
Wordsmith Apprentice

Developmental Math workbooks
Fractals, Googols, and Other Mathematical Tales by Theoni Pappas
Secrets of Mental Math by by Arthur Benjamin and Michael Shermer
A Case of Red Herrings A2
Tibaldo and the Hole in the Calendar by Abner Shimony
The Number Devil: A Mathematical Adventure by Hans Magnus Enzensberger
Mathematicians are People Too by Luetta and Wilbert Reimer
Math for Every Kid by Janice Van Cleave

Start Exploring: Gray's Anatomy Coloring Book
School of the Woods by William J. Long
Archimedes and the Door to Science by Jeanne Benedick
Galen and the Gateway to Medicine by Jeanne Benedick
The History of Medicine by John Hudson Tiner

Kid's Embroidery: Projects For Kids of All Ages
First Steps: Painting Watercolors by Cathy Johnson

Friday, March 30, 2007

Year Six

The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis

The Magna Carta
William of Malmesbury's Account of the Battle of Hastings
William of Tyre's History of Deeds Done Beyond the Sea (the Crusades)
Joan of Arc by Mark Twain
The Brendan Voyage by Tim Severin
How the Heather Looks by Joan Bodger
Augustine Came to Kent
God's Troubadour: The Story of St. Francis of Assisi
Son of Charlemagne
Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther by Roland Bainton
Hands on History: Middle Ages by Susan Kapuscinski Gaylord
The Daughter of Time by Josephine Tey
In Freedom's Cause: A Story of Wallace and Bruce by G.A. Henty

Black Beauty by Anna Sewell
Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne
The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis & study guide
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court by Mark Twain
Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott
Adam of the Road
The Once and Future King by T.H. White
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood by Howard Pyle
The Trumpeter of Krakow
Watership Down
Canterbury Tales
Oxford Anthology of English Verse
poems of Alfred Lord Tenneyson, esp. Idylls of the King
poems of Keats, esp. The Eve of St. Agnes
Beowulf tr. by Burton Raffel
Shakespeare: four plays
Plutarch's Lives

??Our Mother Tongue

Right Start Geometry
A Case of Red Herrings B1
Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? by Richard Maybury
How to Read a Book by Mortimer Adler

Amazing Leonardo Da Vinci Inventions You Can Build Yourself
The Lay of the Land by Dallas Lore Sharp
The Sea Around Us by Rachel Carson
Exploring Planet Earth by John Hudson Tiner
Girls Who Looked Under Rocks: The Lives of Six Pioneering Naturalists by Jeannine Atkins


Year Seven


The Story of My Life and Work by Booker T. Washington
The Story of Benjamin Franklin by Margaret
The Story of Thomas Alva Edison by Margaret Cousins
Bird Woman: Sacajawea's Own Story by James Willard Schultz
George vs. George: The Revolutionary War as Seen From Both Sides
Utopia by Sir Francis More

Everyman: A Morality Play
The Innocence of Father Brown by G.K. Chesterton
Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbit
Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne
Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell
Johnny Tremain
Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls
Emma by Jane Austen
Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens
The Reb and the Redcoats
I, Juan de Pareja
Shakespeare: 4 plays
poems of John Donne
poems of George Herbert
sonnets of Shakespeare
poems of John Milton

Wordsmith: A Creative Writing Course for Young People

Real World Algebra by Edward Zaccaro

The Ocean of Truth: the Story of Sir Isaac Newton by Joyce McPherson
Exploring Planet Earth by John Hudson Tiner
Girls Who Looked Under Rocks: The Lives of Six Pioneering Naturalists by Jeannine Atkins
A Piece of the Mountain: The Story of Blaise Pascal by Joyce McPherson
The Benjamin Franklin Book of Easy and Incredible Experiments

Painting on Rocks for Kids

Year Eight


Never Give In
The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom & study guide
Sadako & the Thousand Paper Cranes
Journey to Topaz
The Endless Steppe

Sense & Sensibility
The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck
The Giver by Lois Lowry


The Fallacy Detective by Nathaniel Bluedorn
Algebra by I.M. Gelfand
A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper by John Allen Paulos

How Everything Works by Louis A. Bloomfield
Relativity Visualized: The Gold Nugget of Relativity Books by Lewis Carroll Epstein
Thinking Physics: Understandable Practical Reality by Lewis Carroll Epstein
Exploring the World of Physics by John Hudson Tiner
The Thomas Edison Book of Easy and Incredible Experiments James G. Cook
Ten Things All Future Mathematicians and Scientists Must Know by Edward Zaccaro


Year Two

365 Bible Stories
Small Catechism
OT Catechesis

ongoing: Favorite Poems Old and New
Mr. Popper's Penguins
Follow My Leader
Li Lun Lad of Courage
The Big Wave
Olga da Polga
Mrs. Piggle Wiggle
The Door in the Wall
The Jungle Books
A Christmas Carol

Story of the World vol II
Usborne Book of World History
Across a Dark and Wild Sea
Favorite Medieval Tales
Canterbury Tales
How Sir James Earned his Armor
Robin Hood
King Arthur
The Man Who Changed the World
Fine Print: A Story about Johann Gutenburg
St. George and the Dragon
Joan of Arc
Shakespeare and the Globe
The Silk Route
Leonardo: Beautiful Dreamer

ongoing: Burgess Bird Book
How Do Birds Find Their Way?
Weather Words and What They Mean
Rocks in His Head
How to Dig a Hole to the Other Side of the World
The Earth
Along Came Galileo
Geography from A to Z

Montessori math lessons (dynamic & static addition subtraction)
The Story of Money
Tales of Penrose the Mathematical Cat
Can You Count to a Googol?

First Language Lessons
WISE Guide to Spelling
Getty-Dubay Handwriting book C
Hey Andrew! Teach Me Some Greek! Book 2

Recorder Fun!
My First Doll Book
Drawing with Children
Recycled Art Box
Story of the Orchestra

Preschool 3-6


Friday, March 30, 2007

Individual assignments:
catechism : review one section
chapter book: By The Shores of Silver Lake
read & narrate one chapter
Greek workbook: 1 page
Bible: read & narrate Genesis chapter 5

catechism: review one section
chapter book: Little House in the Big Woods
read & narrate one chapter
Greek workbook: one page
365 Bible Stories: read & narrate one story

Lessons with mom:
math: subtraction with regrouping using the stamp game
First Language Lessons: lesson
Spelling: section I-2
Fine Art Friday: Manet -- view and narrate

Independent activities:
Erin: reading Ranger Rick magazine, work on 4-H Vet science project, imaginative play
Aidan: looking up cost & number in set of youth arrows in archery catalog, imaginative play, reading Isla Fantastica (Spanish), Outnumbered (computer math game)