Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Bible: read & narrate Matthew 1 ch.
Math: practiced multiplication x3, x5 using flash cards
Language: FLL #158 articles, dictaction
History: SOTW ch. 2 section 2, read & narrate
Literature: Lamb's Shakespeare Merchant of Venice, narration and discussion
Pollyanna, 3 chapters (finished)
Science: Maps & Mapping project -- mapping your room on graph paper; measurement & scale
chores, caring for animals
outdoor play: bike riding, gardening
family worship
Erin made a tea party this afternoon by herself for the rest of the family. She prepared sliced apples, tomatoes, Turkish delight, watermelon ice, and tea, and served us all. A little math was involved in figuring out how to divide three pieces of Turkish delight among four people, and conversation centered around the Chronicles of Narnia.

Bible: read & narrate Matthew 1 ch.
Math: practiced multiplication x3, x5 using flash cards
Language: FLL #102 capitalization, copywork (Aidan has chosen Ps. 134 for copywork and began with verse 1 today. FLL has The Goops as a copywork assignment and he will be working on that next.)
History: SOTW ch. 2 section 2, read & narrate
Literature: Lamb's Shakespeare Merchant of Venice, narration and discussion
Pollyanna, 3 chapters (finished)
Science: Maps & Mapping project -- mapping your room on graph paper; measurement & scale
chores, caring for animals
outdoor play: bike riding, gardening
family worship
Aidan cares for Abby and provides first aid when she gets a cut or scrape.


Reading w/ Mom: two Animal Baby magazines, three Bible stories.
Practical Life: helped put clothes in the dryer
practiced stirring without noise & staying seated at tea party

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