Thursday, May 24, 2007

May 24, 2006

Lessons w/ mom:
Thank you notes for Dr. Sarchet
Hymn: Christ Be My Leader
Literature: poetry
narrate from A Door in the Wall
Language: language lesson w/ Erin
Math: Mathmagic -- The Secret Word

Individual assignments:

Bible: Genesis read & narrate 1 chapter
Theology: review & recite catechism
History: SOTW pp. 326-330 Cortes & Montezuma narrate for blog
Literature: Lassie read & narrate 1 chapter
Science: read & narrate

Bible: 365 Bible Stories read & narrate
Theology: review & recite catechism
History: SOTW pp. 326-330 Cortes & Montezuma
Literature: Olga da Polga read & narrate 1 chapter
Science: read & narrate

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