Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Tuesday, July 30, 2007

The children spent most of the weekend playing chess (and using newly-learned chess notation to write down their games -- they are asking for a double columned notebook especially for this purpose) and creating and playing with a puppet stage and stick puppets. This would be a good activity to encourage and explore, making different kinds of puppets, a more permanent stage, scriptwriting, and even videoing their puppet plays.

Individual assignments:
Bible: Genesis read & narrate 1 chapter
(completed Genesis today)
Catechism: review & recite one section
Math: one workbook page
Language: lessons 147 & 148 w/ Mom
History: coloring page
Bible: 365 Bible Stories read & narrate one story
Catechism: review & recite one section
Math: one workbook page
History: coloring page

Lessons w/ Mom:
Literature: read & narrate Pollyanna
History: SOTW ch. 41 section 1: John Cabot

Independent activities:
caring for animals
worked on 4-H display for county fair
movie day: LOTR2
caring for animals
reading: Favorite Medieval Tales
Book of the Dun Cow

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