Wednesday, October 3, 2007

September 17 - 30, 2007

Daily, T-F:
Bible: read & narrate one chapter Aidan: Genesis, Erin: Matthew
Math: practice multiplication flash cards. Also completed Family Math lesson on hundred board patterns
Language: First Language Lessons, 2 per week
handwriting workbook, one page
copywork/dictation daily
Erin: one written narration (her first!)
History: SOTW ch. 3-4, read & narrate, coloring pages
made colonial pottage (no one liked it!)
Science: Maps & Mapping unit, read pp. - , mapped bedrooms on graph paper
Literature: read aloud Wheel on the School ch. 4-6

attended family worship daily, confirmation class 10/23 & 10/30, Divine Service and Sunday school 10/22 & 10/29

daily chores & care of pets

attended homeschool park day 10/21

Aidan attended Cub Scouts 10/21, completed requirements for Bobcat badge at home the next day.

Independent reading:
Aidan: The White Mountains
Cub Scout Wolf Handbook
Erin: The Turret
The Sword in the Tree
The Body

Erin has also asked permission for, planned, made and delivered invitations, and will be baking and decorating for, her own tea party with two friends.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Sunday, September 16, 2007

attended Sunday school, worship, & confirmation class

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Bible: read & narrate Matthew 1 ch.
Math: practiced multiplication x3, x5 using flash cards
Language: FLL #158 articles, dictaction
History: SOTW ch. 2 section 2, read & narrate
Literature: Lamb's Shakespeare Merchant of Venice, narration and discussion
Pollyanna, 3 chapters (finished)
Science: Maps & Mapping project -- mapping your room on graph paper; measurement & scale
chores, caring for animals
outdoor play: bike riding, gardening
family worship
Erin made a tea party this afternoon by herself for the rest of the family. She prepared sliced apples, tomatoes, Turkish delight, watermelon ice, and tea, and served us all. A little math was involved in figuring out how to divide three pieces of Turkish delight among four people, and conversation centered around the Chronicles of Narnia.

Bible: read & narrate Matthew 1 ch.
Math: practiced multiplication x3, x5 using flash cards
Language: FLL #102 capitalization, copywork (Aidan has chosen Ps. 134 for copywork and began with verse 1 today. FLL has The Goops as a copywork assignment and he will be working on that next.)
History: SOTW ch. 2 section 2, read & narrate
Literature: Lamb's Shakespeare Merchant of Venice, narration and discussion
Pollyanna, 3 chapters (finished)
Science: Maps & Mapping project -- mapping your room on graph paper; measurement & scale
chores, caring for animals
outdoor play: bike riding, gardening
family worship
Aidan cares for Abby and provides first aid when she gets a cut or scrape.


Reading w/ Mom: two Animal Baby magazines, three Bible stories.
Practical Life: helped put clothes in the dryer
practiced stirring without noise & staying seated at tea party

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Bible: Matthew 1 ch. read & narrate; discussed implications of the Real Presence, meaning of salt, and going the extra mile
Math: practiced multiplication x3 using bead boards, made flash cards
Language: worked independently in language workbook
handwriting workbook
History: SOTW ch. 2 section 1, read & narrate
coloring page
Literature: Pollyanna, 1 chapter
assisted with church luncheon
chores, caring for animals
outdoor play w/ friends at park
family worship
attended catechesim class on Sunday

Bible: Genesis 1 ch. read & narrate
Math: practiced multiplication x3 using bead boards, made flash cards
Language: handwriting workbook
History: SOTW ch. 2 section 1, read & narrate
coloring page, mapwork
Literature: Pollyanna, 1 chapter
assisted with church luncheon
chores, caring for animals
outdoor play w/ friends at park
family worship
attended catechesim class on Sunday

Friday, September 7, 2007

Friday, September 7, 2007

Math: practiced multiplication x5 using flash cards, discussed division as reverse of multiplication, practiced /5 facts
Spanish: lesson 1
Language: FLL #157 search for adverbs and adjectives
History: SOTW ch. 1 section 2, read & narrate
Literature: Lamb's Shakespeare Merchant of Venice, narration and discussion
Pollyanna, 1 chapter
chores, caring for animals
outdoor play
family worship
homeschool social

Math: practiced multiplication x5 using flash cards, discussed division as reverse of multiplication, practiced /5 facts
Spanish: lesson 4
History: SOTW ch. 1 section 2, read & narrate
Literature: Lamb's Shakespeare Merchant of Venice, narration and discussion
Pollyanna, 1 chapter
chores, caring for animals
outdoor play
family worship
homeschool social

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Math: multiplication x5 using bead board, made flash cards, learned technique for self-study, discussed squares, multiplication as repeated addition
Spanish: lesson 3
Language: FLL #153, narration
Literature: Lamb's Shakespeare Merchant of Venice, narration and discussion
chores, caring for animals
outdoor play
family worship

Math: multiplication x5 using bead board, made flash cards, learned technique for self-study, discussed squares, multiplication as repeated addition
Spanish: lesson 4
Literature: Lamb's Shakespeare Merchant of Venice, narration and discussion
chores, caring for animals
outdoor play
family worship

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Math: multiplication x0, x1, x2, x10
Spanish: lesson 3
Language: FLL #152, dictation
History: coloring page
Science: read & narrate from Maps & Mapping
chores, caring for animals
outdoor play
family worship

Math: multiplication x0, x1, x2, x10
Spanish: lesson 3
Language: FLL #152, dictation
History: coloring page
Science: read & narrate from Maps & Mapping
chores, caring for animals
outdoor play
family worship

shape puzzle, naming, tracing with finger
geometric solids
snapping board
1,2,3 lesson periods 1 & 2 using numerals and rods
read Animal Baby w/ Mom
Cheerio book with Erin